
How to Listen to Audible on Kindle (Paperwhite, Oasis, etc.)

Kindle E-readers are designed and marketed by Amazon. Audible is an Amazon subsidiary. It’s reasonable and necessary for Amazon to make them more compatible and easier to access. If a Kindle device could be used to both read eBooks and listen to Audible, it would be so great. Especially when you are reading in a dark place, you probably don’t want to use the Audible app on a bright phone screen. Or, when you are on a trip and need to save phone power.

It’s important to figure out whether your Kindle device can play Audible, and then you can jump to the corresponding section of this post.

How to Know if My Kindle E-reader Can Play Audible

Can you listen to Audible on Kindle Paperwhite? “, “ Can Kindle Oasis play Audible? ” These are the frequently asked questions. Old Kindle models like original Kindle, Kindle 2, Kindle DX, Kindle Keyboard, and Kindle Touch are all able to play Audible because they have built-in speakers. From Kindle 4th generation (except Kindle Touch) to the 7th generation, Amazon removes the built-in speaker and does not provide another way to play audiobooks, which makes some very popular Kindle devices include Kindle Paperwhite 1, 2, 3, Kindle 7, and Kindle Voyage lose the ability to play Audible.

Since the eighth generation, the function of playing Audible has been brought back. Kindle still does not have built-in speakers but adds Bluetooth connectivity to stream audio. That means you can simply connect your Kindle with Bluetooth speakers or headphones to listen to Audible. So yes, you can play Audible on Kindle Paperwhite 4, Kindle 8, Kindle 10, and all Kindle Oasis. If nothing else, future Kindle models will always support Audible.

Device Audible Compatible
1st Gen to 3rd Gen Yes
4th Gen (2011) Kindle Touch Yes
Kindle 4 No
5th Gen (2012): Kindle 5, Kindle Paperwhite 1 No
6th Gen (2013): Kindle Paperwhite 2 No
7th Gen (2014, 2015): Kindle 7, Kindle Voyage, Kindle Paperwhite 3 No
8th Gen to the Latest Gen Yes

Bonus tips: It will take some effort to play Audible on some old Kindle models, so if you don’t want that hassle, or your Kindle is not Audible compatible, you might consider to convert Audible to normal MP3/M4B files with 聲音轉換器 , then they will be playable on almost all the devices including MP3 players and iPods.

免費下載 免費下載

Listen to Audible on New Kindle Models

How to Play Audible on Kindle Oasis 1, 2, 3, Paperwhite 4, Kindle 8, 10 and the Latest Kindle Devices

步驟1。 Connect your Kindle to Wi-Fi and wait for the over-the-air update to complete.

步驟2。 Tab 全部 from the home screen, you will see your Audible books already appear in your Library.

步驟3。 Tab on the Audible book you want to listen to. The audiobook will download if not already downloaded.

步驟 4。 If you have not paired a Bluetooth device, you’ll get a prompt to do so.

步驟 5。 Tap on Pair Device , and select the Bluetooth device you want to use.

Pair Bluetooth Device with Your Kindle

步驟 6。 The Audible book will start playing through that Bluetooth device.

How to Buy Audible Books Directly on Kindle

On Bluetooth-enabled Kindles, you are able to buy Audible books directly.

步驟1。 Let your Kindle connect to the Wi-Fi network.

步驟2。 Tap the store icon in the toolbar, and tab AUDIBLE

Go to the Audible Store on Kindle E-reader

步驟3。 Now you can search for an audiobook and buy one.

步驟 4。 The Audible book you have bought will appear in your Kindle library.

Listen to Audible on Old Kindle Models

How to Play Audible on Kindle 1 st Gen, Kindle 2, and Kindle DX

步驟1。 下載並安裝 Audible Manager on your PC. Click here to download.

步驟2。 Use a USB cable to connect your Kindle with PC.

步驟3。 Launch Audible Manager, and click on Devices > Add New Device

步驟 4。 Check the Amazon Kindle box, and press OK

Add Amazon Kindle Device in Audible Manager

After Audible Manager installs a plugin for your Kindle, it will restart. If Audible Manager does not restart, open it again, then continue:

  1. In the bottom left pane, right-click on Amazon Kindle
  2. Choose Activate
  3. Input your Audible account credentials.
  4. Click on OK

步驟 5。 Select an Audible audiobook or multiple audiobooks, right-click on them and tab Add to Amazon Kindle

Audible Manager Add Audible Audiobooks to Amazon Kindle

步驟 6。 The Audible books you have added will show up on your Kindle E-reader, you can use the joystick to select the one you want to listen.

How to Play Audible on Kindle Keyboard (Also Named Kindle 3)

步驟1。 Connect your Kindle Keyboard to the Wi-Fi network. The purchased Audible books will be synced to your Kindle Keyboard.

步驟2。 Click 選單 , and use the 5-way controller to select View Archived Items

步驟3。 Select the Audible book to download, and then use the built-in speaker or plug in your headphones to play.

How to Play Audible on Kindle Touch

步驟1。 Turn on your Kindle Touch’s Wi-Fi.

步驟2。 Tab Cloud on the Home screen.

步驟3。 Tab the Audible book you want to download.

步驟 4。 After the download completes, go back to the Home screen, and tap on the Audible book to start listening to on Kindle Touch.


If your Kindle Touch or Kindle Keyboard pops up the Audible Activation Error message: “The audiobook you selected cannot be played because this Kindle has not been authorized. Please tap active and register with the Audible account used to purchase this audiobook”, you can jump to “How to Play Audible on Kindle 1st Gen, Kindle 2, and Kindle DX” in this post and follow the instructions to Activate your Kindle in Audible Manager.

The above is the complete guide on how to listen to Audible on Kindle. Enjoy the eBooks and the audiobooks!



Susanna 是 Filelem 的內容經理和作家。她多年來一直是一位經驗豐富的編輯和書籍版式設計師,並且對嘗試和測試各種生產力軟體感興趣。她也是 Kindle 的忠實粉絲,使用 Kindle Touch 已近 7 年,幾乎走到哪裡都帶著 Kindle。不久前,該設備的使用壽命即將結束,蘇珊娜高興地買了一台 Kindle Oasis。

